Digital LOGISTICS platform for businesses

Connecting shippers to Lorry Transport/ Logistic Companies. Across MY and SG.
We Make Logistics SEXY....

Lorry Transport/ Logistics/ Courier Service...

Across Malaysia and Singapore

Shipping Rate Calculator

Compare prices from multiple logistic companies to get the best delivery rates.

From courier service, lorry transport and 3PL logistic companies delivering across Malaysia and Singapore.

Book and manage your deliveries online.

Send your cargo seamlessly

Small Parcels, to Large Palletized cargo...
Courier/LTL/LCL/FTL across MY and SG...

Get in touch

We look forward to hear from you!


Lot 22, Lorong Perusahaan 4
Kaw. Perusahaan Kulim 09000 Kulim Kedah.



+6016 224 9129

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